



Test item


01 工作性能

Work performance

02 温升

Temperature rise

03 涂层检查

Coating inspection

04 连接导线检查

Wires are checking

05 连接器和接线端子检查

Connectors and terminal examination

06 悬挂装置试验

Suspension test

07 导线与笼式接线端子抗拉试验

Wires and cage terminals tensile test

08 极性颠倒试验

Reverse polarity test

09 外观及重量检查

Check appearance and weight

010 表面温度试验

Surface temperature test

011 灯具金属面罩耐腐蚀性能试验

Lamps and lanterns of metal mask corrosion resistance test

012 防护等级试验

Protection grade test

013 灯泡性能测试

The light bulb performance test

014 机车透明灯罩性能试验

The locomotive transparent lampshade performance test

015 反光镜镀层牢固度试验

Mirror coating fastness test

016 工频耐受电压试验

Power frequency withstand voltage test

017 绝缘电阻测量

Measuring insulation resistance

018 端子温升试验

Terminal temperature rise test

019 电压波动范围试验

Voltage fluctuation range test

020 启动性能试验

Start the performance test

021 灯头扭力试验

Lamp holder torsion test

022 功率测定

Power measurement

023 与电缆分配系统的连接

Connected to cable distribution system

024 与通信网络的连接

Connection and communication networks

025 电气要求和模拟异常条件

Electrical requirements and simulation of an abnormal condition

026 结构要求

Structure requirements

027 布线、连接和供电

Wiring, connection and power supply

028 危险的防护

Risk protection

029 电源接口

The power interface

030 元器件


031 抗剩余应力和抗腐蚀性

Residual stress resistance and corrosion resistance

032 电源电流

The power supply current

033 线路功率因数

The line power factor

034 线路总功率

The line total power

035 输出电压和电流

Output voltage and current

036 无负载输出电压

No load output voltage

037 异常状态

Abnormal state

038 控制装置

Control device

039 灯座/连接器

Lamp holder/connector

040 耐腐蚀

Corrosion resistant

041 外观


042 故障状态

Failure state

043 耐热性

Heat resistance

044 灯头温升

The temperature rise of the lamp holder

045 机械强度

Mechanical strength

046 潮湿处理后的绝缘电阻和介电强度

The insulation resistance and dielectric strength after wet processing

047 意外接触带电部件的防护

Protection of accidental contact with live parts

048 互换性


049 适用工作条件试验

Test for working conditions

050 开关次数

The switch frequency

051 外形尺寸

Overall dimensions

052 电性能


053 一般要求

General requirements

054 电解电容加速磨损试验

Electrolytic capacitor accelerated wear test

055 检查电解电容器设计质量

Check the quality of electrolytic capacitor design

056 嵌入式控制装置的耐久性

The durability of embedded control device

057 热循环和开关试验

Thermal cycle and the switch test

058 扭矩试验

Torque test

059 部件可换性

Components can change sex

060 无螺纹接线端子和电气连接件

No screw terminals and electrical fittings

061 螺纹接线端子

Screw terminal

062 耐热、耐火和耐起痕

Heat resistant, fireproof and mark

063 耐久性试验和热试验

Durability test and hot test

064 爬电距离和电气间隙

Creepage distance and clearance

065 绝缘电阻和电气强度、接触电流和保护导体电流

Insulation resistance and electric strength, contact current and protect the conductor current

066 防尘、防固体异物和防水

Dustproof, solid foreign bodies and waterproof

067 防触电保护

Protection against electric shock

068 接地规定

Ground rules

069 外部接线和内部接线

The external wiring and internal wiring

070 结构


071 标记


Test standards


TB/T 1391-2007 机车司机控制器

Locomotives controller

GB/T 21413.2-2008 IEC 60077-2:1999 铁路应用 机车车辆电气设备 第2 部分:电工器件通用规则

Railway applications -Electric equipment for rolling stock Part2:Electrotechnical components-General rules

TB/T 3051.1-2009 机车、动车用电笛、风笛第一部分:电笛

Electric horn and air whistle for locomotive and power car Part 1: electric horn

GB/T 21413.1-2008 铁路应用 机车车辆电气设备 第1 部分 一般使用条件和通用规则

Railway applications-Electric equipment for rolling stock-Part 1:General service conditions and general rules

TJ/CL 423-2014 铁道客车LED 灯具暂行技术条件 第3 部分:阅读灯

Temporary technical requirement for lamps used on power train - part 3: read lamp

GB/T 25119-2010 IEC 60571:2006 轨道交通 机车车辆电子装置

Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles

EN 50155:2007 轨道交通 机车车辆电子装置

Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock

TB/T 3085.2-2003 铁道客车车厢用灯 第2 部分:卧铺车厢用LED 床头阅读灯

Lamp for railway passenger car-Part 2 :LED reading lamp for passenger sleeping car

TB/T 2325.2-2013 机车、动车组前照灯、辅助照明灯和标志灯 第2 部分:辅助照明灯和标志灯

Front illuminators, auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks used for locomotive and electrical multiple units- Part 1: auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks

TJCL 325-2014 动车组前照灯暂行技术条件

Temporary technical requirement for front lamp used on power train

TB/T 2325.1-2013 机车、动车组前照灯、辅助照明灯和标志灯 第1 部分:前照灯

Front illuminators, auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks used for locomotive and electrical multiple units- Part 1: Front illuminators

GB 4943.1-2011 IEC 60950-1:2005 信息技术设备安全 第1 部分:通用要求

Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1:General requirements

GB/T 24392-2009 灯头温升的测量方法

Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature ris

GB/T 19651.3-2008 IEC 60838-2-2: 2006 杂类灯座 第2-2部分:LED 模块用连接器的特殊要求

Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Connectors for LED-modules

GB/T 19651.1-2008 IEC 60838-1:2011 杂类灯座 第一部分 一般要求和试验

Miscellaneous lampholders - Part 1: General requirements and tests

GB/T 24825-2009 IEC 62384:2011 LED 模块用直流或交流电子控制装置 性能要求

DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements

IEC 61347-2-13:2006 灯的控制装置 第2-13 部分:LED 模块用直流或交流电子控制装置的特殊要求

Lamp controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgears for LED modules

GB 19510.14-2009 灯的控制装置 第14 部分:LED 模块用直流或交流电子控制装置的特殊要求

Lamp controlgear - Part 14: Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules

GB 19510.1-2009 IEC 61347-1:2007灯的控制装置 第1 部分:一般要求和安全要求

Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements

GB 24819-2009 IEC 62031-2008 普通照明用LED 模块 安全要求

LED Modules for general lighting - Safety specifications

IEC 62612-2013电源电压>50V 普通照明用自镇流发光二极管灯--性能要求

Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages>50V—Performance requirements

GB 24906-2010 IEC 62560-2011 普通照明用50V 以上自镇流LED 灯 安全要求

Self-ballasted LED-Lamps for general lighting services by voltage>50Vsafety specifications

TJ/CL 422-2014铁道客车LED 灯具暂行技术条件 第2 部分:铺号地灯

Temporary technical requirement for lamps used on power train - part 2: dome light and wall lamp

TJ/CL 421-2014 铁道客车LED 灯具暂行技术条件 第1 部分:顶灯及壁灯

Temporary technical requirement for lamps used on power train - part 1: dome light and wall lamp

TB/T 3085.2-2003 铁道客车车厢用灯 第2 部分:卧铺车厢用LED 床头阅读灯

Lamp for railway passenger car-Part 2 :LED reading lamp for passenger sleeping car

TB/T 2325.2-2013 机车、动车组前照灯、辅助照明灯和标志灯 第2 部分:辅助照明灯和标志灯

Front illuminators, auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks used for locomotive and electrical multiple units- Part 1: auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks

TJCL 325-2014 动车组前照灯暂行技术条件

Temporary technical requirement for front lamp used on power train

TB/T 2325.1-2013 机车、动车组前照灯、辅助照明灯和标志灯 第1 部分:前照灯

Front illuminators, auxiliary illuminators and lighting marks used for locomotive and electrical multiple units- Part 1: Front illuminators

QB/T 4057-2010 普通照明用发光二极管性能要求

LEDs for general lighting-Performance requirement

GB/T 24824-2009 普通照明用 LED 模块测试方法

Measurement methods of LED modules for general lighting

GB/T 24823-2009 普通照明用LED 模块性能要求

LED-modules for general lighting - Performance requirements

GB 24819-2009 IEC 62031-2008 普通照明用LED 模块 安全要求

LED Modules for general lighting - Safety specifications

CQC 3128-2013 LED 筒灯节能认证技术规范

Energy Conservation Certification Criteriafor LED Downlights

GB/T 24909-2010 装饰照明用LED 灯

Led lamps for decorative lighting

IEC 62612-2013 电源电压>50V 普通照明用自镇流发光二极管灯--性能要求

Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages>50V—Performance requirements

GB/T 24908-2014 普通照明用自镇流LED 灯性能要求

Self-ballasted led lamps for general lighting services—performance requirements

GB 24906-2010 IEC62560-2011普通照明用50V 以上自镇流LED 灯 安全要求

Self-ballasted LED-Lamps for general lighting services by voltage>50Vsafety specifications

CQC 3129-2013 反射型自镇流LED 灯节能认证技术规范

Energy Conservation Certification Criteria for Self-ballasted LED Reflector Lamp

GB/T 29296-2012 反射型自镇流 LED 灯 性能要求

Self-ballasted LED reflector lamps-Performance requirements

GB/T 29295-2012 反射型自镇流LED 灯 性能测试方法

Test methods of performance of self-ballasted LED reflector lamps

GB 7000.203-2013IEC 60598-2-3:2011 灯具第2-3 部分特殊要求:道路与街路照明灯具

Luminaires-Part 2-3:Particular requirements-Lumiaires for road and street lighting

DB 61/T488-2010 道路照明用LED 灯

LED lamps for Road lighting

GB/T 24827-2015 道路与街路照明灯具性能要求

Performance requirements of luminaires for road and street lighting

CQC 3127-2016 LED 道路/隧道照明产品节能认证技术规范

Energy Conservation Certification Criteria For LED Products for Street Lighting& Tunnel Lighting

GB/T 24907-2010 道路照明用LED 灯性能要求

LED lamps for road lighting performance specifications

GB 7000.204-2008 IEC 60598-2-4:1997 灯具 第2-4 部分:特殊要求 可移式通用灯具

Luminarires-Part 2-4:Particular requirements-Portable general purpose luminaries

GB/T 30413-2013 嵌入式LED 灯具性能要求

Performance requirements for recessed LED luminaires

GB 7000.202-2008 IEC60598-2-2:1997 灯具 第2-2 部分:特殊要求 嵌入式灯具

Luminaries -part 2-2:Particular requirement-Recessed luminaries

GB 7000.201-2008 IEC60598-2-1:1987 灯具第2-1 部分:特殊要求 固定式通用灯具

Luminaires-Part 2-1:Particular requirement-Fixed general purpose luminaries

(Inmetro)No.143-2015.3.13 整体式灯的控制装置的LED 灯具质量技术规范修订内容

Complements for Technical Regulation for Quality LED Lamps with Integrated Control Device Based Ordinance

GB 7000.1-2015 IEC 60598-1:2014灯具 第1 部分:一般要求与试验

Liminaires-Part1:General requirements and tests

IEC 60598-1:2008 灯具 第1 部分:一般要求与试验

Liminaires-Part1:General requirements and tests

No. 389-2014.8.25 整体式灯的控制装置的LED 灯具质量技术规范

(Inmetro) Technical Regulation for Quality LED Lamps with Integrated Control Device Based Ordinance (Inmetro)

Test equipments



Relay life test device


Relay life test load cabinet


The tube explosion proof tester


The thermostat machine service life


Scratch tester


The ball pressure test device


The power cord torsion testing machine


The power cord bending machine


Stability test rig


Steel ball drop test device


Drop device


Standard test Angle


Phi 30 mm round steel tension meter


Thrust test


Standard test to show


Push pull meter


Creepage distance test card


Spring impact hammer


Test probe


Push pull meter


Uv tester


Metal wire


Peak power device


Variable frequency stabilized voltage supply


Digital power meter


Digital power meter


Regulated power supply


Regulated power supply


The electric strength test device


Flammable vapor concentration measurement equipment


Plug torque test apparatus


Prevent electric shock probe test apparatus


Laser radiation monitoring system


Single phase plug gauge


Winding temperature rise test instrument


Test voltage generator


Current limiting circuit tester


Current limiting circuit tester


Withstand voltage tester


Grounding resistance tester


SPC/filter noise generator




The oscilloscope


Adjustable electronic load


The data recorder


Surge tester


Power supply