



发布时间:2023-09-12 浏览次数:0

2016年1月1日,欧盟颁布了L类车统一的认证和市场监管框架法规,原欧盟指令 Directives 2002/24/EC,Directives 93/14/EEC,93/30/EEC, 93/33/EEC, 93/93/EEC,95/1/EC, 97/24/EC, 2000/7/EC,2002/51/EC, 2009/62/EC, 2009/67/EC,2009/78/EC,2009/79/EC,2009/80/EC and 2009/139/EC已被完全取消。制造商可以对L类车和装在车上的系统/部件/独立技术单元进行认证。如果制造商的车型能够满足此法规,那么可以在欧盟境内销售,车辆注册必须基于COC合格证。

新法规体系分为:1个框架法规(Regulation (EU) No. 168/2013)和4个授权执行法规Delegated Acts( (EU) No. 901/2014、 (EU) No. 44/2014、 (EU) No. 134/2014、 (EU) No. 3/2014)。分别规定了L类车的环保和动力性能要求、车辆功能安全要求、车辆结构要求和一般认证要求以及管理要求。法规要求制造商指定一个代理商来处理和认证机构和市场监管机构之间的任何认证事宜,任何非欧盟制造商必须在欧盟境内指定一个认证代理商,且制造商必须无限制的公开车辆维修和保养信息。

(EU) No.3/2014 车辆功能安全要求的主要内容有:

• ANNEX II: Requirements on audible warning devices/喇叭要求

• ANNEX III: Requirements on braking, including anti-lock and combined braking systems/制动,包括ABS/CBS

• ANNEX IV: Requirements on electrical safety/电气安全

• ANNEX V: Requirements on manufacturer declaration requirements regarding endurance testing of functional safety critical systems, parts and equipment (Durability)/功能部件耐久要求

• ANNEX VI: Requirements on front and rear protective structures/前后保护装置

• ANNEX VII: Requirements on glazing, windscreen wipers and washers, and defrosting and demisting systems/玻璃,雨刮器,喷水器,除霜除雾系统

• ANNEX VIII: Requirements on driver-operated controls including identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators/控制件,图形符号,指示器、仪表

• ANNEX IX: Requirements on installation of lighting and light signaling devices, including automatic switching of lighting/灯具安装,包括灯具长亮

• ANNEX X: Requirements on rearward visibility/后视野

• ANNEX XI: : Requirements on rollover protective structures (ROPS)/翻滚保护要求

• ANNEX XII: Requirements on safety belt anchorages and safety belts/安全带和安全带固定点

• ANNEX XIII: Requirements on seating positions (saddles and seats)/座椅

• ANNEX XIV: Requirements on steer-ability, concerning properties and turn-ability/操纵稳定性和转弯性能

• ANNEX XV: Requirements on the installation of tyres/轮胎安装

• ANNEX XVI: Requirements on vehicle maximum speed limitation plate and its location on the vehicle/最高车速限制牌和位置

• ANNEX XVII: Requirements on vehicle occupant protection, including interior fittings and vehicle doors/乘员保护,内饰和车门

• ANNEX XVIII: Requirements on vehicle maximum continuous total power and/or maximum vehicle speed limitation by design/最高车速,最大连续功率

• ANNEX XIX: Requirements on vehicle structure integrity/车辆结构完整性

(EU) No.134/2014 环保和动力性能要求的主要内容有:

• ANNEX I: Test type I requirements: Tailpipe emissions after cold start/I型排放-冷启动

• ANNEX II: Test type II requirements: tailpipe emissions at free acceleration test/自由加速测试

• ANNEX III: Test type III requirements: emissions of crankcase gases/曲轴箱废气

• ANNEX IV: Test type IV requirements: evaporative emissions/燃油蒸发

• ANNEX VI: Test type VII requirements: measurement of CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and electric range determination/CO2,油耗,电动车能量消耗和续航里程

• ANNEX VII: Test type VIII requirements: environmental onboard diagnostic (OBD) tests/OBD车载诊断系统

• ANNEX VIII: Test type IX requirements: Sound level/噪声测试

• ANNEX IX: Testing procedures and technical requirements on maximum design vehicle speed, maximum torque, maximum continuous total power and maximum peak power/最高车速,最大功率扭矩,最大连续功率

• ANNEX X: Vehicle and propulsion family definition/动力系统家族定义

• ANNEX V: Test type V requirements: durability of pollution control devices/耐久

(EU) No.44/2014车辆结构要求和一般认证要求以及管理要求的主要内容有:

• ANNEX II: Powertrain tampering prevention measures (anti-tampering)/防改装

• ANNEX III: Coupling devices and attachments/拖挂联接装置

• ANNEX IV: Requirements on devices to prevent unathorised use/防盗

• ANNEX V: Electromagnetic compatibility/EMC 电磁兼容

• ANNEX VI: External projections/外部突出物

• ANNEX VII: Fuel storage/燃油存储系统

• ANNEX VIII: Load platforms/载货平台

• ANNEX IX: Masses and dimensions/质量和尺寸

• ANNEX X: On-board diagnosis (OBD)

• ANNEX XI: Passenger handholds and footrests/乘员扶手和脚蹬

• ANNEX XII: Registration plate space/后牌照安装空间

• ANNEX XIII: Access to repair and maintenance information/维修和保养信息

• ANNEX XIV: Stands/支撑
